In this page we are going to find the most important news of the day or the week at the beginning and the less recent topics are they are divided in environment, daily snapshot, world sport, business, technology, entertainment, travel and blogs. This page is very easy to use because everything is organized.
This page is well-known by its outstanding channel.
This page, unlike CNN, it is not very organized. They do not emphasize the most important news but some of the news are accompanied of images, they have a special topic for children. This page can be seen in 32 different languages, it is focused in the businesses at international level.
This page is not very colorful and it is not showy.
New York Times
This page is organized like a newspaper, unlike other pages they emphasize many other topics, like opinion, movies, arts, politics, theatre, obituaries, television, science, health, books, fashion & style, home & garden, automobiles, education. In this page more than important news, the topics are importants things for the people. They have subjects related to the home as for housewives, for the daily life, like a real newspaper.
ABC News
This page have all type of topics because it is also a television channel, one of the most seen in USA. This page is not like the other pages because it has major interest in ecology, that is very important to us and many people who takes care of the enviroment.
This page is more interactive because they concerns the opinion and the commentaries of the people, also the interviews by videos can be seen.
Of the four pages this is the one that we liked more.